Packages that use MetaData | |
example | |
uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.client | |
uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.commandlineprocessor | Processing and executing command-lines. |
uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.commandlineprocessor.applicationSpec | Specification for a complete application. |
uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.mapprocessor | API for exposing computations via a simple Map -> Map transformation. |
uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.python | |
uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.servicedp | Job dispatching, async and sync. |
uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.servicedp.impl | Job dispatching implementation. |
uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.strategydp | Strategies for dispatching job requests. |
uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.strategydp.impl | Implementations of strategy dispatchers. |
uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.stringprocessor | API for exposing simple String -> String transformations through InstantSOAP. |
uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.wsapi | The web-service interface definitions, exceptions and datatypes. |
uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.wsapi.impl | Classes that provide the implementation glue to attach the web service API to a spring-managed web-service container. |
Uses of MetaData in example |
Methods in example that return MetaData | |
MetaData |
MetaData |
MetaData |
MetaData |
DivMod.describeApplication(String application)
MetaData |
MetaData |
MetaData |
MetaData |
MetaData |
MetaData |
Methods in example that return types with arguments of type MetaData | |
Set<MetaData> |
DivMod.getInputs(String application)
Set<MetaData> |
DivMod.getOutputs(String application)
Uses of MetaData in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.client |
Method parameters in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.client with type arguments of type MetaData | |
void |
InstantSoapClient.printMetadataList(List<MetaData> list)
Uses of MetaData in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.commandlineprocessor |
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.commandlineprocessor that return MetaData | |
MetaData |
CommandLineProcessor.describeApplication(String application)
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.commandlineprocessor that return types with arguments of type MetaData | |
Set<MetaData> |
CommandLineProcessor.getInputs(String application)
Set<MetaData> |
CommandLineProcessor.getOutputs(String application)
Uses of MetaData in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.commandlineprocessor.applicationSpec |
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.commandlineprocessor.applicationSpec that return MetaData | |
MetaData |
Get the application meta-data. |
MetaData |
Get the meta-data describing this output. |
MetaData |
Get the meta-data associated with this input, including the public name. |
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.commandlineprocessor.applicationSpec with parameters of type MetaData | |
static Input |
Applications.input(MetaData metaData)
static Input |
Applications.input(MetaData metaData,
String renameTo)
static Output |
Applications.output(MetaData metaData)
static Output |
Applications.output(MetaData metaData,
String renameTo)
void |
Application.setApplicationMetaData(MetaData applicationMetaData)
Set the application meta-data. |
void |
Output.setMetaData(MetaData metaData)
Set the meta-data describing this output. |
void |
Input.setMetaData(MetaData metaData)
Set the meta-data associated with this input. |
static void |
Applications.validateMetaData(MetaData md,
boolean requireName,
boolean requireDescription,
boolean requireAnnotation)
Constructors in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.commandlineprocessor.applicationSpec with parameters of type MetaData | |
Application(MetaData applicationMetaData,
CommandFormat commandFormat,
CommandLine<VariableExpression> commandLine,
Set<Input> inputs,
Set<Output> outputs)
Create a new application with all properties set to the given values. |
Input(MetaData metaData,
String renameTo)
Create a new input with the provided values. |
Output(MetaData metaData,
String renameFrom)
Make a new output using the supplied meta-data and rename-from. |
Uses of MetaData in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.mapprocessor |
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.mapprocessor that return MetaData | |
MetaData |
MultiplexingMapProcessor.describeApplication(String application)
MetaData |
MapStrategyDispatcher.describeApplication(String appName)
MetaData |
MapProcessor.describeApplication(String application)
Describe an application. |
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.mapprocessor that return types with arguments of type MetaData | |
Set<MetaData> |
MultiplexingMapProcessor.getInputs(String application)
Set<MetaData> |
MapStrategyDispatcher.getInputs(String application)
Set<MetaData> |
MapProcessor.getInputs(String application)
Get the inputs assocaited with an application. |
Set<MetaData> |
MultiplexingMapProcessor.getOutputs(String application)
Set<MetaData> |
MapStrategyDispatcher.getOutputs(String application)
Set<MetaData> |
MapProcessor.getOutputs(String application)
Get the outputs assocaited with an application. |
Uses of MetaData in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.python |
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.python that return MetaData | |
MetaData |
PythonProcessor.describeApplication(String application)
MetaData |
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.python that return types with arguments of type MetaData | |
Set<MetaData> |
Set<MetaData> |
PythonProcessor.getInputs(String application)
Set<MetaData> |
Set<MetaData> |
PythonProcessor.getOutputs(String application)
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.python with parameters of type MetaData | |
void |
ScriptMetaData.setDescription(MetaData description)
Method parameters in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.python with type arguments of type MetaData | |
void |
ScriptMetaData.setInputs(Set<MetaData> inputs)
void |
ScriptMetaData.setOutputs(Set<MetaData> outputs)
Uses of MetaData in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.servicedp |
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.servicedp that return MetaData | |
MetaData |
AsynchronousServiceDispatcher.describeApplication(String appName)
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.servicedp that return types with arguments of type MetaData | |
Set<MetaData> |
AsynchronousServiceDispatcher.getInputs(String application)
Set<MetaData> |
AsynchronousServiceDispatcher.getOutputs(String application)
Uses of MetaData in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.servicedp.impl |
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.servicedp.impl that return MetaData | |
MetaData |
AsynchronousServiceDispatcherImpl.describeApplication(String appName)
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.servicedp.impl that return types with arguments of type MetaData | |
Set<MetaData> |
AsynchronousServiceDispatcherImpl.getInputs(String application)
Set<MetaData> |
AsynchronousServiceDispatcherImpl.getOutputs(String application)
Uses of MetaData in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.strategydp |
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.strategydp that return MetaData | |
MetaData |
StrategyDispatcher.describeApplication(String application)
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.strategydp that return types with arguments of type MetaData | |
Set<MetaData> |
StrategyDispatcher.getInputs(String application)
Set<MetaData> |
StrategyDispatcher.getOutputs(String application)
Uses of MetaData in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.strategydp.impl |
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.strategydp.impl that return MetaData | |
MetaData |
QueuedDispatcher.describeApplication(String application)
MetaData |
MultiplexingStrategyDispatcher.describeApplication(String application)
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.strategydp.impl that return types with arguments of type MetaData | |
Set<MetaData> |
QueuedDispatcher.getInputs(String application)
Set<MetaData> |
MultiplexingStrategyDispatcher.getInputs(String application)
Set<MetaData> |
QueuedDispatcher.getOutputs(String application)
Set<MetaData> |
MultiplexingStrategyDispatcher.getOutputs(String application)
Uses of MetaData in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.stringprocessor |
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.stringprocessor that return MetaData | |
MetaData |
Describe this string transformation application. |
MetaData |
Map2StringProcessor.describeApplication(String appName)
MetaData |
Describe the single input. |
MetaData |
Describe the single output. |
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.stringprocessor that return types with arguments of type MetaData | |
Set<MetaData> |
Map2StringProcessor.getInputs(String application)
Set<MetaData> |
Map2StringProcessor.getOutputs(String appName)
Uses of MetaData in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.wsapi |
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.wsapi that return MetaData | |
MetaData |
WebServiceDispatcher.describeApplication(String application)
Describe an application. |
static MetaData |
Wsapi.metaData(String name)
static MetaData |
Wsapi.metaData(String name,
String description)
static MetaData |
Wsapi.metaData(String name,
String description,
Object annotation)
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.wsapi that return types with arguments of type MetaData | |
List<MetaData> |
WebServiceDispatcher.getInputs(String application)
Describe the inputs of an application. |
List<MetaData> |
WebServiceDispatcher.getOutputs(String application)
Describe the outputs of an application. |
Uses of MetaData in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.wsapi.impl |
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.wsapi.impl that return MetaData | |
MetaData |
MetaData |
EchoingMapProcessor.describeApplication(String application)
MetaData |
WebServiceDispatcherImpl.describeApplication(String appName)
MetaData |
MetaData |
Methods in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.wsapi.impl that return types with arguments of type MetaData | |
Set<MetaData> |
EchoingMapProcessor.getInputs(String application)
List<MetaData> |
WebServiceDispatcherImpl.getInputs(String application)
Set<MetaData> |
EchoingMapProcessor.getOutputs(String application)
List<MetaData> |
WebServiceDispatcherImpl.getOutputs(String application)
Set<MetaData> |
Method parameters in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.wsapi.impl with type arguments of type MetaData | |
void |
EchoingMapProcessor.setSlots(Set<MetaData> slots)
Constructor parameters in uk.ac.ncl.cs.instantsoap.wsapi.impl with type arguments of type MetaData | |
EchoingMapProcessor(String application,
Set<MetaData> slots)