
In this 10 minute introduction, we will install an InstantSOAP test service, run it using the InstantSOAP client and examine it's management interface.

Preparing the Ground

For this guide, we will using services, rather than developing new ones, so do not need all of the requirements.

InstantSOAP depends on a recent version of Java. It can be installed using downloads from here .

We also need Tomcat which can be downloaded from here . Windows users, please download the ZIP file, rather than the Windows Service Exectable. Unix users, get the tarball.

If you have difficulties, you can find links to the full installation instructions in the requirements documentation. The most likely issues will an old version of Java, or an existing tomcat running on port 8080.

Installing a Service

Download instantsoap-ws-echotest-1.0.war . Copy the file to the apache-tomcat-6.x.x/webapps directory. Now type

(or .sh if you are on Unix).

Navigate to Tomcat . It should look like this . If not, there are problems with your tomcat installation.

InstantSOAP contains a web forms interface -- it's rather basic, but allows you to test the functionality of the service out. It is reproduced here. Click in the "Run" button in the table below.

stringEcho Echo any string
This is a very simple service being hello world. Type any string into the "messageToEcho" box and hit "Execute". You should get back the same string.

This test installation includes several other services. You can view the management interface here . Again, this is rather basic, but good for trying services out. If you have got this far, you have successfully installed a service and interacted with it via the web forms.

Installing a Client

Download the file (or for unix ). Unzip the file -- please use a directory with no spaces in the path (no "My Documents" or "Program Files" -- apologies for the hassle!).

Move into the directory instantsoap-client-xxx/bin . Type the following command:

instantsoap-client --blocking --application stringEcho messageIn=hello
or for Unix users. --blocking --application stringEcho messageIn=hello
In both cases, you should get back a message which includes
We have now run the service using a Web service connection. You can replicate this from another machine with
instantsoap-client --blocking --host http://localhost:8080 --application stringEcho messageIn=hello
replacing localhost with the name of your machine. Obviously, this depends on network and firewall settings all working correctly.

You can replicate the other functionality seem in the last section with:

instantsoap-client --list
Which lists all the available applications.

If you have got this far, you have successfully used a client to InstantSOAP.

If you have finished you should turn tomcat off, with


Where next?

  • Service in Java : Describes how to code a new service, like instantsoap-ws-echotest , rather than using a prebuilt version.
  • A Full Example : A more complete example of publishing a service, including publishing a commandline application.
  • Commandline Client: Describes the commandline client in more details.
  • A Java Client: Describes how to run a service with your own client written in Java.